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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Theory explaining Aliens and probably GOD himself!!

Sightings of Aliens, Extra-terrestrial beings and supernatural activities have been witnessed quite often in the human history and a lot many theories are put forward to explain these rare yet intriguing occurrences. I am hereby putting forward my own theory explaining this phenomenon, thus covering the aspects of why does it happen? Why are these occurrences rare? And till date why haven’t we succeeded in finding these beings in outer space on our own?
The world around us has been marked in three dimensions. These dimensions cover all the points we can reach in the space in terms of human coordinates (X, Y, Z) as evident from the figure.
According to my theory, there might be other coordinate axis also in this coordinate plane diagram. Let’s assume one additional axis(to start with), say V-axis in the diagram leading to creation of three 2-D planes and many 3D planes (i.e. XV, YV and ZY, ZVX, VXY, VYZ planes etc.) thereby resulting in the modification of the above shown diagram as
In the above diagram, humans and the creatures of this world are restricted to XYZ plane as shown in grey shade and these so called Aliens or Extra-terestrial beings belong to planes involving the V coordinate.Since human eyes can’t see beyond the human coordinate planes, we are not able to sight them on a regular basis and probably that’s why we have still not found any trace of them during our space explorations.
Now, talking about those aliens or beings whom we claim we have actually seen, these are the creatures who occasionally cross their planes or the origin in the coordinate diagram and stray in to the XYZ plane where we can sight them. Often, the people who have witnessed these sightings say that the creature just vanished in front of their eyes, which may be synonymous to nothing but they returning back to their own planes (one such plane shown by blue lines in the diagram above), which are not visible by our naked eye therby creating an illusion of disappearing in thin air.
This theory thus succeeds in answering various mysterious sightings of the Big Foot, the Yeti, the Loch Ness Monster and dozens of regional creatures who appeared for a moment and then returned back to their living planes where probably even our newtonian laws might not apply. Probably,these creatures possess the power to go across planes which apparently humans don’t have .This theory also postulates that we might be sharing this planet/space with them but in such a dimension which we can’t see or experience thereby being in resonance with the regional tales across the world about such creatures who might have been termed as GOD by the earlier folks.


  1. Rather than being named V-axis, this could be named A-Axis (Aliens - Axis)

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    Thanks for the input :) I didn't put much thought in naming the axis so just took my initial for the axis name.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
