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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fire- Just an element or a living Organism??

Fire- A phenomenon, an element , a savior, a destroyer and perhaps the most useful invention in the human history. But, are the secrets of this majestic phenomenon limited to these or is there something else still waiting for us to unfold it? 
I believe, fire has much more to offer us than only these above mentioned phenomenons and I will try to show that fire can be considered as a living being since it fulfills all the criteria set up by us to categorize objects as living.

CRITERIA of being classified as living which FIRE fulfills:- 

1) A fire takes birth when you light it.
2) Fire eats up substances and gains energy. Also, it needs oxygen (atmospheric gases) to survive. (As per all other living organisms on earth).
3) Fire produces waste after eating up the substances and extracting energy from them.
4) Fire mates with inflammable substances to produce other small fires, i.e. it reproduces.
5) Eventually fire dies out.

Now I may be totally crazy over here but for me.. this represents a living and healthy being!!

The fire image taken from http://blottytinesrunemagic.blogspot.com/2012/04/runes-of-fire.html

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