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Saturday, May 21, 2011

World to Defy!!

"I stay up long nights I dont know why,
the stars gaze at me from their world so high.
The drops do fall with the world to defy,
but not from the sky, they fall from my eye!!

The words unspoken although the heart really try,
the stories, the places, I know it's all a lie,
symphonies, petals, all these the mind now deny,
But I still say that I dont cry.
I see those drops again falling from high,
only they fall from my eyes, not from the sky!!"

-By Vaibhav Garg May 22 2011, 1:39 a.m

The moonlit night image taken from http://www.layoutsparks.com


  1. ^:)^ I almost saw those drops falling from high!

  2. Thanks for your kind and supportive words.

  3. ah! too good i say...just loved the coherence of thoughts coming out beautifully...
    i havent been writing for a long time,,u just triggered it again i guess!!!
    here is a bit of my old ones


  4. Thanks Prash. Am glad I could touch a string or two there. "Rhetoric Insinuations" really caught my emotions.DO share your latest creations!!

  5. Hi there. The poem presented here really touched my soul. Keep up the good work lad. I hope to read many more here.

  6. Hi.Got to know about this blog from a friend, 'Christopher' and I must say that my visit to this blog has not gone waste. Nice work. Kudos!! Do post some more.

  7. Hi Christopher.
    I am glad you liked my work. Thanks for recommending the page to your friend.

  8. Hi Eesther.
    Thanks for your kind words. I will try to write something more and post soon.

  9. Nice Poem. Could totally relate to that.

  10. I really appreciate the lyrics!!

  11. hmm dont have much to say apart from WOW!! *sigh*

  12. @ dreamy- Thoughts well received!! :)
