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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nirvana- Really

With all the atrocities and horrors that our world is facing today, I try to pen down the feelings of someone desperately in search of peace.

“As twilight approaches, some thoughts rattle my mind,
why can’t I find peace no matter how much I find.
The gloomy shades of the sky now make my heart ache,
and I wonder if my own existence is a truth or is it just fake.

I remember none for whom I must really care,
in this world of darkness and full of despair.
The ugly shadows of the dreaded past still haunt me at night,
imprisoning my thoughts no matter how much I fight. 

With great courage as I look down from the sky,
the cruel sight of this world pokes and blinds my eye.
Yes, I am the CREATOR, the master of all the scrolls,
But often I wonder, where did your hearts go and where are your souls? “

- By Vaibhav Garg on 25th May 2011. 


  1. Hi,

    Your poems always take deep turns at the last curve. really loved the improvisation, thoughts and the cause. Keep it up!!

  2. Vaibhav, I am not much of a religious guy myself but this poem does give me food for thought. Good work. Keep 'em coming.

  3. Eesther and Christopher - Thanks guys!! :)

  4. Excellent twist in the tale !

  5. Thanks Arun. Wanted to show the other side of the story, hence the twist:)

  6. Thanks Teju. I have never written on any theme or cause before, so it was more of an experiment. Am glad u liked it. Assuming ur being speechless is a because u found it gud :P

  7. hmmmm should we discuss this more?? ;)

  8. @ dreamy- Sure!! All we need is some fine blended scotch and am sure this topic discussion can go places :)

  9. Hi Vaibhav,

    Great writing. Reading this poem makes me feel someone opened my mind and wrote down all that was inside.

    -Someone desperately in search of peace.

  10. Hi Anonymous,

    All I could say is don't search for peace, coz even if you find it, it'll go away soon..Let it find you and you'll see that it stays with you forever.
    Hope it finds you soon.

    1. If you wrote this poem (which you have), it obviously means you know how difficult that could be. Thanks for your suggestions. I 'll remember :) Thanks!

      Good luck for your future posts.

    2. Thanks again. Do let me know if peace finds you. Cheers Anonymous!!
