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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Stranded at the door!!

The softer I grow, the harder it becomes,
the orchid tries to bloom, but to pines it succumbs.
The darkness gives out a call, to someone I don't even know,
the loneliness thus stands amidst a new friend and an old foe.

 The vague memories of evil, the haunting cries of the past,
the echoes of those chants, in my memories still they last.
The silence neither speaks nor casts a spell anymore,
Am I really out of the dungeon or stranded at the door?

Amidst the crowd of purists, the Satan gulps the Sun,
I stand there beneath the chapel, as folks pray to the ONE.
HE neither speaks, nor laments for all the blood in the sky,
and yet HIS sons do evolve with a WORLD TO DEFY!!

*Image source not known. No claim over its ownership.


  1. Hi Vaibhav,

    Nice poem. There are many times when you really want to 'DEFY' the world and its system, but you cannot for a lot of reasons. Just a thought.

    All the best for future writings!

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your warm wishes. Does this Anonymous has a name?

  3. If it has a name, it will no longer be anonymous!

  4. Very Well Said Anonymous!! It were just my humane weaknesses that led me to ask this..Also, Defying the world as we know it is just delusional as all the visible world is just a false canvas portrait of an artist's mind.

  5. Thanks and Wow, you wrote a saying as a reply on a plain statement. Impressive!
