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Thursday, June 21, 2012

A letter to Void

                                                        A letter to Void

Dear V,

From the depths of great abysses to the hollow souls of many, I feel you everywhere, yet your existence succeeds in eluding me. You scream many a cries, but silence is all which prevails around. Often I manage to see you hiding a tear or two and all I can do is be a mute spectator. Your presence tries to fill the emptiness of the world around you, rather you end up engulfing yourself in the same. Enough of this!! Come out of the abyss, come out of the silence, come out of your own self and speak up!! Speak up!! SPEAK UP!!

Both creator and destroyer reside within you. When fumed in nature, you give birth to countless thoughts; desires and emotions, but you eat up people, their hopes, their thoughts, their dreams and their lives when fumed on them. You heal and you bruise, yet you remain so silent, so distant, and so mysterious.

Perhaps you seek silence to avert doom, or perhaps your massive ego doesn’t put words to your lips, whatever the reason may be, at least try me once!! I am all ears. Tell me about your journey with/across time; tell me about your journey through this massive space; tell me about your journey through these tiring ages; tell me about the starts you have seen; tell me about the ends you have suffered, tell me something….anything!!

Forever Yours,

-void image taken from codenamexen.deviantart.com.  No copyright claim on that.


  1. It does speak to us, always, at times we are not ready to listen to it because we dont want to be rational. At times we dont have the time to listen to it. So yes, it does seek the silence, give that and it will speak volumes.

  2. Shuchi- Rationality of human mind is as sane as the definition of sanity fed to it..Just want to defy everything and feel the connection with the void as I think, void is the only thing which is present from the start of time itself and has many a great experiences to share!!

  3. The void, a place of emptiness, an area not yet filled, allowing infinite possibilities of creation. That is a beautiful thing in itself, but to be able to view its creations, that would be bliss, and it is.
