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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Silence breaks the glass


                                      Silence breaks the glass!!

                               The three worlds come together, to witness the epic clash,
                             sans the hopes, sans the faith, with only puzzles in their stash.
                                    No light, no path, no sound to show the way,
                             and then comes the moment when I heard the silence say.

                                          Emotions drip deep as its heart unfolds,
                                    shows me no color, no joy, just a chilling cold.
                                 Midst these puzzles, it grabs and guides me on my way,
                      The cave it leads to grows darker, with my heart unwilling to stay.

                                    I see a crowd cheering, waiting for me to sing,
                           words do escape my mouth, but I still can't remember a thing.
                                  The fat lady there, does sing for the elite class,
                           but it's not the sound of music, rather silence that breaks the glass.

Breaking glass pic taken from operagasm.com