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Friday, September 9, 2011

Food for thought- Literally!!

                                                                   Food for thought!!
                              Potter fights Voldemort, Batman stopes the Joker,
                             You can be a superhero, if you help fight hunger!!


On a dark hillside road, with not a mortal soul far or near, 
A lonely cat with a sweet little kitten walked on with a lot of fear.
Rains were splashy, the path unknown, with no shelter or food in sight,
The mother puss surrendered and layeth there but the kitten didnt give up the fight.
He ran up hill but slided down to end up back on street,
He tried his best to find for both, something that they could eat.

I wish,I could say here that an angel appeared and helped these suffering souls, but the reality is not always kind to its subjects.

Please help all those in need of food by playng your part in any of the following ways:-

1) By Donating to World Food Programme . "www.wfp.org"
2) By Becoming members or volunteers to spread the word around in this war against hunger.
3) This is the easiest one and perhaps a way for each one of us to contribute.Go to "www.freerice.com" and answer simple quiz questions. For every correct answer you give, 10 grains of rice are donated to help end hunger. 

Disclaimer- The views, words and the thoughts expressed here are my personal views. Neither of the World Food Programme, United Nations or freerice.com are affiliated to this blog in any way. The use of their images and their promotion is done under goodwill only.